In the short list 21 projects from 16 countries and every continent: a revealing snapshot of contemporary female architecture.
The arcVision Prize – Women and Architecture is an international social award for female designers instituted by the Italcementi Group, from 2013, aimed at recognizing every year a female architect whose research and design work displays significant qualitative excellence and attention to the core issues of construction—technology, sustainability, social and cultural implications—with preference for women working in conditions of particular complexity in terms of type of project and local conditions
In the short list 21 projects from 16 countries and every continent: a revealing snapshot of contemporary female architecture.
The arcVision Prize – Women and Architecture is an international social award for female designers instituted by the Italcementi Group, from 2013, aimed at recognizing every year a female architect whose research and design work displays significant qualitative excellence and attention to the core issues of construction—technology, sustainability, social and cultural implications—with preference for women working in conditions of particular complexity in terms of type of project and local conditions
In the short list 21 projects from 16 countries and every continent: a revealing snapshot of contemporary female architecture.
The arcVision Prize – Women and Architecture is an international social award for female designers instituted by the Italcementi Group, from 2013, aimed at recognizing every year a female architect whose research and design work displays significant qualitative excellence and attention to the core issues of construction—technology, sustainability, social and cultural implications—with preference for women working in conditions of particular complexity in terms of type of project and local conditions